A exclaimation, mostly used in written form. Used to convey a feeling of excitement, satisfaction or joy. Has been described as the new w00t, however is not as popular.

Derived from J. K. Rowling's fictional creature, the Fwooper, which sings an (at first) enjoyable song which eventually drives the listener insane.

Repetitive use of the word "Fwoop" has the potenial to do the same thing.
"Fwoop! I finally have the Harry and the Potters new album!"

by murgatroid August 11, 2007
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Fwoop: (n.) The part of a person’s butt where the skin attaches to the upper leg, making a tuck in the skin. (v.) to grab someone’s butt.
(n.) “Wow! Look at the fwoop on her!”
(v.) “dude, I just fwooped a girl who had such a nice fwoop!”
by AwesomerificDude May 5, 2010
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Friends With Occasional Penetration.
How is my Fwoop Partner doing?
by Fwoop January 19, 2017
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The action of an insult bouncing off of you and sticking on to the other people. It can be used to win any arguement or debate. it's a multi-purpose word
stephanie: you suck a dork
Catherine: boing fwoop! who's the dork now?

stephanie: you lose
Catherine: Boing fwoop! no i win :)
by gatogirl101 May 5, 2010
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A word derived from Facebook and pooping this is much like twooping but instead Facebook is used.
'Hey what's going on man?'

'Oh not much just fwooping'
'Who uses facebook man?'
by Theswagyeti March 10, 2015
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A word derived from Facebook and pooping this is much like twooping but instead Facebook is used.
'Hey what's going on man?'

'Oh not much just fwooping'
'Who uses facebook man?'
by Theswagyeti March 10, 2015
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A word derived from Facebook and pooping this is much like twooping but instead Facebook is used.
'Hey what's going on man?'

'Oh not much just fwooping'
'Who uses facebook man?'
by Theswagyeti March 10, 2015
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