full of it

God damn you are full of it!
by Maha October 19, 2001
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Adjective. A particularly intense or extreme experience, whether good or bad.
"The party got a bit full-on when those randoms turned up with all that crystal meth."

"He told me he loved me...I've only known him three weeks so it was all a bit full-on."
by Muffin Freak March 2, 2006
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IN BRIEF: alkied, bent, drunk, intoxicated, loaded, lushed, tipsy, under the influence, etc.
We getting full at the party tonight. I know you don't wanna miss a hangover.
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant October 13, 2009
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to have had enought to eat
the gerbil won't come out because he's had enough to eat
by Turd Ferguson November 3, 2003
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<adverb> British Slang;

1) Synonymous with 'absolute', 'positive', 'total' etc...
"Jonathan is an absolute, full-on knob-head!"
by Stuart Fletcher November 16, 2004
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full full

A secret place where gay men show off how large their penises are.
Person 1: Hey Joe, are you going to the full full tonight?

Person 2: Naw man, I have to go paint my nails tonight, maybe some other time.
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Full on, full on

1. something extreme
2. something intense
3. something in the face
4. anything free
For example, you know how I love
mountain biking? Well I might say, "Yeah once we hit that trail it was full on, full on."

"Bro, meet us up there, it's going to be full on full on."

"Free drinks, full on, full on"
by Dr. Tom January 8, 2004
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