4 definitions by Maha


starts with A and ends with Z just like somethin which i call life in my dictionary; someone who belongs to MAHA; can also be referred to as taken; blessing
Ayaz,Im so happy to be a part you, you make my life complete.

This is Ayaz... my AYAZ... and you have no right to take it away from me.

by Maha July 24, 2003
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Bedour is the most fun person and they fall in love with the wrong guys they are beautiful and bedour means the full moon bedour is a name from the Middle East and a bedour is the most fun to be around they are honest they are kind . They always keep secrets as secrets and they always have a secret they are sneaky and fun .. Bedour are amazing if your a Bedour ... Hi 😂
Bedour are the most fun to be around with if they are your friend stick with them never let them go
by Maha December 27, 2014
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full of it

God damn you are full of it!
by Maha October 19, 2001
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This word originates from the the silables that baby first makes.

1.(adj) someone having the quality of being able to seduce
Maya can seduce anyone by her iltagaif way.
by Maha March 17, 2005
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