87 definitions by Stuart Fletcher

<verb><noun> Slang;

1) To rub one's genitals between a pair of breasts to cause orgasm.

2) Offensive slang; An insult.
1) "Oh my god, I am having the uberest orgasm ever due to this extremely nice tit-wank you have bestowed upon my person."

2) "Dave, you silly tit-wank get back here before I burn your gerbil."
by Stuart Fletcher January 18, 2005
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British slang
Yet another coined term meaning the contents of the testicles.
However "plaster of penis" is usually too wordy to actually thread into a sentence and so is never often used as a metaphor for come/cum.
"Fredrick the novelist was having enormous trouble including 'Plaster of Penis' into his pornographic literature, as it spoiled the rhythm of his sentence structure."
"Father MacDougall made a tissue sculpture using plaster of penis as his glue."
by Stuart Fletcher November 3, 2004
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1) <verb> To put fins onto an arrow's body to increase it's accuracy. The name "Fletcher" comes from this trade, usually a Fletcher was one who made the entire arrow, not just Fletching.
2) <noun> Usually the nickname of anyone with the name of 'Fletcher.'
FLETCHER: "I am a Fletcher, I Fletch."

LAD: "Hey Fletch."
FLETCH: "T'allreet lad."
by Stuart Fletcher January 19, 2005
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1) British slang; Mean, nasty or underhanded
2) In the shade
3) Of a person; Suspicious or dodgy
1) "Aww Frank, don't hit him, he's only three..." <smack> "Aww, that's shady that... You knocked his baby teeth out."
2) "I'm sat in a shady seat located in a sun-swept villa in the south of France. I'm loving it."
3) "That dude in the corner is one shady lookin' individual."
by Stuart Fletcher November 23, 2004
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<noun> Colloquial

1. Term used by Southern Americans to refer to a Northern American.

2. Term used by foreign nations, chiefly Britain and Australia to refer to Americans.

==> The term is thought to derive from Dutch settlers in the 1600's referring to the English colonials as 'Jan Kees' (John Cheese) which entered our language with the spelling 'Yankees,' as that is how it would sound in Dutch. 'Yanks' is simply a shortened form of it.
English Guy: "Those bloody Yanks."

Redneck hick from the South: "Yeehaw, thems Yankies are'sa comin', get the showtgun, yiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeep!!!"
by Stuart Fletcher May 14, 2006
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British Slang, Measurement of Time;

1) The unit of 'Yonk' is known to be exactly 3 Months and 13 Days.

--> Used to describe a long period since you last saw someone or something. Usually termed 'Yonks' rather than a 'Yonk'.
BOB: "Gee Willy, I haven't seen you for Yonks!"
WILLY: "Yeah, must be about 3 Yonks actually."
by Stuart Fletcher November 10, 2004
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<noun> British offensive slang term used as a variant of "Dick head" to describe an obnoxious person or someone who has acted in a peculiar and/or ludicrous manner.
"You fucking knob-head! Why did you do that?!"
by Stuart Fletcher November 1, 2004
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