1. Artificial, fake. Something that has no substance.

2. A really bad knockoff, a copy.

3. Someone that copies or fronts. A hipster. Someone that bites. Someone that claims to be original when you know their whole style is a reenactment. Superficial.
" That kid ain't true, he spins that fugazi jungle."

"Nicole is so clueless, she has no idea her Gucci glasses are fugazi"
by Seekwhence July 18, 2005
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That's some fugazi sh*t
by wrorty December 24, 2021
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italian wise guy slang for.... a fake, a phony
Donnie Brasco says to lefty:
"That jewellery..its fugazi
by AdamP_1lvitaly November 28, 2005
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An old italian slang term for something that is FAKE!!
'That ID that you've got looks so fugazy, you'll never get in anywhere with that'

by luckyman007 May 21, 2008
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Fugazi- Adjective-pronounced. foo-gay-z . It is a term meaning fake,not genuine; counterfeit,replica,not legit.
That ring is not worth 20,000 it is a fugazi . It's a fugazi necklace i will give you fifty cents for it.: Movie quote from Wolf of Wall Street -Mark-It's all a Fugazzi. You know what a Fugazzi is?
Jordan: It's, uh... "Fugazi", it's a fake...Fugazi, Fugazzi. It's a wazzy, it's a woozy. It's whistles fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's Neverlanded. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real
Do not shop at the store in the middl eof the mall their jewelry is all fugazi.
by OG$MIKE December 4, 2016
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Vietnam War slang for a messed up situation. Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In.
Fugazi is also a band.
by Pete Gallo August 30, 2003
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