by your mum, and you knows it August 25, 2008
An episode of behavior in which a person is on a type of rampage in any and all levels of their being. Irrational, hateful, neglectful, disrespectful and above all illogical behaviors rule a person when they are on some fuckshit. Though not always, fuckshit is precipitated with a large consumption of drugs, usually of various types and almost always an over indulgence in them all.
Mike got on some fuckshit over the weekend. He went and ripped off Steven $50, Jason for $80, and Danny for $100. After that he beat up on his girlfriend, went to Wal-Mart and got popped for trying to shoplift a few bottles of superglue. Now the mother fucker's in jail and don't know how he got there. Suppose it's my task to go and fill the poor bastard in on all his fuckshit from this weekend.
by Nikki Stixx August 13, 2020
"Dude, Cody stole all of my stash last night after he got me fucked up!"
"Man, thats some fuckshit."
"Man, thats some fuckshit."
by Larry V February 25, 2009
That's some fuckshit! Or This is some fuckshit!
by T-Rowdy and EllRiot September 5, 2011
Fuckshit is anything that you know you shouldn't be doing. It also is used to describe anything out of the ordinary or illegal. It is a generalization of all things that make you second guess doing it.
Sharon be on some fuckshit not paying TJ the money she owes. If she wasn't going to cover it, then why did she vouch for Jill and tell him she'd pay it?
Buck is locked up because Mark got his ass tangled up in some fuckshit and they got caught.
Buck is locked up because Mark got his ass tangled up in some fuckshit and they got caught.
by Skitz0hphrenik August 22, 2020
by khuda667 April 23, 2020