An event that usually happens after a sexually tragic event. Happened in Romeo and Juliet, the Titanic movie, and countless times among slut girls in high school. Not to be confused with heartbreak.
A: I had penile fracture yesterday! It hurt so much!
B: Of course, your gf weighs 666 pounds!
A: No, first she's only 120 pounds. She got pregnant and I got AIDS, this is why I have penile fracture.
by a guy at wwphs$ June 14, 2017
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The worst pain know to man. A broken/fractured penis. Caused during rigorous sex and blood vessels pop.
I'm in the hospital because I have a penile fracture
by I'm a gypo 123 March 22, 2017
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when your penis (specifically urethra) gets...fractured
Bob rolled over with an erection, forming a penile fracture
by hambone October 19, 2003
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An injured penis, or dick.

A donut shop.

Grandpa in the hospital.
Yo, Scotty. How's Nate's "fractured prune"?

Brb, Stacy, gotta go to Fractured Prune.

So, how's fractured prune?
by theMasterofRok June 19, 2017
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Noun: A horrific injury to the ass bone (coccyx) that generally only afflicts stunt cyclists. Can only officially be diagnosed by physicians.
Of all his long list of injuries, washed up stunt cyclists Dean Devin boasts the most of his Fractured Ass.
by KingJamesDaTurd December 6, 2020
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It’s when you break your dick. To fix it they must put a metal rod inside your cock and let it heal from there. :)
“Ah shiiiiiiiit! I just cracked my dick! OW I THINK ITS A PENIAL FRACTURE!
by Patytu October 22, 2019
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