To stalk on Facebook. Facebook+stalk= Fock.
I focked your mom last night. It was good.
by AllIWanted January 26, 2011
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It's a nicer way of saying "fuck" but without cursing
Person 1: Can I smell your hair pls?
Person 2: Excuse me but what the fock?
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 18, 2022
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the ultimate white guy word. you’ll always hear from the preppy guys at school.
fockkkkk bro she dumped me
by horsegirl2030 June 9, 2020
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A poor mans fuck. Usually used by people who have had a bad education and like to fight with people for no apparant reason- see chavvy
by Jonny Weldon January 12, 2004
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Yea dude ! it was the funniest thing ha ha ha
oops you did it again, and now its on my dick.
by vectrex June 18, 2003
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