Stian Fisk is a great youtuber that makes great content! He is the best youtuber that ever existed!
Stian Fisk is our new god
by Craig_TheNeg September 24, 2020
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Your mom usually likes him as much as she likes eating cheetos.

Often a cake-lover.
by Pattelei March 16, 2017
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Fucking Impertinent Smartass Kid.
Perfect for online conversations.
Noah? That brat is a fisk.
by Trimbuli September 30, 2019
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V. The action of smoking marijuana.
N. Marijuana
Yo you bros ready to fisk?
Any of you potheads got any fisk?
by E-money Dufflebags February 17, 2016
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Genital sex where you whisper into the other person and at the end of each sentence you slap the other person across the face with your dick
Fisk Me Daddy
by dicman the 7th April 4, 2018
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Genital sex where you whisper into each other ears. After every sentence finishes, you have to slap the other person in the face with your dick.
Fisk me, daddy
by dicman the 7th April 4, 2018
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