A toy that is used for people with mental illness.
But it has been turned to a overrated cancer meme and bad been turned to a joke by YouTubers.
Remember when this fidget spinner used to help people? Now it's a joke.
by Anthman333 June 21, 2017
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a stupid toy originally made for autistic people until it blew up and a bunch of dumb teenagers started playing with them. but now fortunately the fidget spinner fad has died out just like the harambe meme
gay retarded teen 1: Look gay retarded teen 2, I got a lit fidget spinner bro

gay retarded teen 2: bruh, that's so savage

gay retarded teen 1: i know bro it's so savage
gay retarded teen 2: you wanna go watch Jake Paul and RiceGum now bro?
gay retarded teen 1: hell yeah bro! iss gonna be lit fam!
gay retarded teen 2: its gonna be hella lit fam!
by tpooyungcloutgod August 3, 2017
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The actual physical form of cancer

Used to be used by ADD ADHD
Brad:yo check my fidget spinner out
Me: that's an autistic little toy
Brad: no it's not it helps me focus at (public area, school, elementary etc)
by RickC137 May 28, 2017
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A device marketed to help with ADHD and Autism but actually just gives the user extra chromosomes
Person 1: Check out my new fidget spinner

Person 2: Stop you are going to get too many chromosomes

Person 3: *(Inaudible)*
by 13345bob June 4, 2017
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