verb- to experiment with or mess around with.
present tense, fickling
" Look at science dork cara over there FICKLING with her cocaine and lab rats."
"Let me FICKLE on my calculator and get you those numbers."
by W. Price November 12, 2005
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the overwhelming sensation a male acheives when the female is sucking his penis so hard he can no longer take it so he punches her in the face.
quit fickling me so much you ho

that was some major fickling

you can keep doing it but dont fickle it anymore
by gucci-MANE July 20, 2008
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An amount of money equal to exactly 5 dollars.
1.)"Hey can you loan me a fickle?"

2.)"Dang that costs a whole fickle!"

3.)"I wish i had 4902375023970296234756203795 fickle. Then I could buy lots of whores."
by Randy Hardtimer April 1, 2006
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A young pickle who could never make a decision. He was bullied by other vegetables, and eventually went insane.
"Hey, Elena, do you know fickle pickle?"
"I sure do! He's so fickle!"
by maryyyyyyyyyyyy August 14, 2013
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to tickle someone's toes with your toes
If you don't cut it out I'm going to toe fickle you.

Quick, you hold her down while i fickle her toes.
by drea & vinnie =] September 15, 2008
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A nickname for a guy that is known to have trouble pleasing women. Women often cheat on him because of this.
by JesusMc2 June 20, 2018
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Means fucked up. When texting "fucked up" on older smart phones - auto correct would change it to "Fickle Dipped"
I've been drinking all day in Las Vegas and I'm so Fickle Dipped!
by Pilgy19 July 31, 2017
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