35 definitions by V

(also "fan art")
Art of any form, usually electronic or drawn free hand, that uses characters or settings from a popular television show, novel, cartoon, anime, or movie as the subject. See also wordslashword
by V August 28, 2003
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Posterior carnal engagement recruiting orificial auxiliary effluence lubricously.
I don't like surprise sloppy seconds.
by V October 12, 2004
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to be Rainbow Bright Fag-tac-ular
"welcome to san francisco.. were its MilleR-R1 Time every time... =)"
by V July 14, 2004
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The act of giving a female a shocker using the thumb and index finger for the vagina and the pinky finger for the anus.
My girlfriend wanted to play around so I flew in the millennium falcon while her parents were gone.
by V November 15, 2004
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person; plays cs; is "good" at cs; don't know shit about computers; online poker whore; vince's bitch; matt says he loves 'pwnis'; thinks that hes black; is white
thinks that he's black; i.e.: eminem
by V July 1, 2004
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rap assassin: YOU'RE WHITE, WOMAN.
WHITE; as in color#FFFFFF (255,255,255)r,b,g
by V July 1, 2004
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