To bundle one's family into the car, drive to a beauty spot and get out for a wander whilst the country is under lockdown rules. (Ideally after previously driving 260 miles across the country)
by dylanc533 May 26, 2020
In sports, specifically in NCAA Basketball, when you watch a team (or player) that you haven't seen much of and immediately they look damn good. Usually applies best when you already have some knowledge of the team/player and so expectations are in place. These expectations need to be exceeded to pass "The Eye Test".
In watching San Diego State dismantle Jimmer Fredette and BYU in the MWC Championship, they definitely passed "The Eye Test". The Aztecs are legit!
by El Phenom March 15, 2011
Going for a drive, typically 30 minutes or more, to see if your eyes work properly. Usually conducted with passengers for maximum danger to family and strangers alike.
by Slim jim gravy guy May 26, 2020
"The NHS is perfectly safe in tory hands"
I think you should take the "barnard castle eye test" mate
I think you should take the "barnard castle eye test" mate
by Niverslice May 26, 2020
When you are potentially blind and drive a ~60 mile round trip between Durham and Barnard Castle with your family to validate that you can see properly
That Coronavirus was a stinker - better risk my family with the old Barnard Castle Eye Test before I drive back to London
by Spookhetti May 26, 2020
Andy Capp wasn't sure whether he could get a good score on an employment-related quiz, but as an expert snooker player, he could totally ace an eye cue test!
by QuacksO April 10, 2023