hey is that exact from fortnite?
i heard he's really washed
by lmaobutnotfunny September 12, 2021
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When you challenge yourself and/or your friend to reach a point goal in Zombies, without exceeding the goal. Which can result in your friend(s) trying to race you to that goal.
Vanoss: "I need 30000 Points!"
Nogla: "Is the Exact Change rule in play?"
by BossAydan July 6, 2023
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exclaimed in frustration, without a doubt, indefinitely.
Shitwho and Whoshat are exact-the-flippin-fuckly gay
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Ability to be exact

The extent in which something is exact; accurate
She lies so much that the exacticality of which her statements can be deemed true is uncertain.

Laura does not believe in the exacticality of this word; proved her wrong.
by InfinityAndBeyonds November 30, 2012
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When I saw the look on her face, I told her that that was my exaction as well.
by Stella-Luna Winggrad November 3, 2022
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