
1.having emotion
2.having strong feelings
3.a reaction to a situation, place, person, etc.
4.having deep or intense feeling
5.sometimes used to describe the genre of music, emo(short for emotional),
6.or the fashion style associated with emo music.
1.The talented actress gave a very emotional performance.
2.Ron was very emotional about visiting his hometown.
3.Visiting the nazi death camp was an emotional experience for all of the people.
4.Jacob had an emotional time after the death of his father.
5.This song is so emotional.(emo)
6.That guy is emotional.(emo)
by kalie w. July 3, 2006
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I seriously don’t have emotions. My favorite goldfish died and I didn’t even cry
by Mcr is life October 10, 2019
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1.A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling.
2.A state of mental agitation or disturbance.
3.The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility.
1.The emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.
2."He spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion"
3."The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect"(Isaac Bashevis)
by Brendan November 12, 2003
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It is used in a sentence; Mary is HAPPY because she got her own stuffed toy. (haa-pee), Happy.
Opposite; Mary is MAD because she hasn't got a stuffed toy. (mah-d), Mad.
Sad; Kandelle is SAD because her friend Devan got her Toy. (Saah-d), Sad.
Nervous; I am very NERVOUS cause i am in my new school. (Nerr-vhus), Nervous
Amazed; I am AMAZED on my surprise party. (A-mayzd)
by iiqxlvs fan February 22, 2021
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An unexplainable thing that can make you do stupid stuff that you'll regret for the rest of your life.
depression: cutting youself
"love": having sex, therefore, putting yourself at risk for std's
anger: losing control
need I go on?

Emotion's can make you do stupid stuff
by RockandRollbabe January 19, 2008
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A term used in MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft which describes an action your character can perform which is usually accompanied by sound and sometimes even an animation. Emotes include:


Also a useful way to communicate across factions in games like WoW where Alliance and Horde players speak different in-game languages such as Orcish, Darnassian, etc.
Night Elf Player #1: What the heck is this Tauren doing in Teldrassil?
Night Elf Player #2: Use the insult emote on the bitch, he can't touch you here. :P
Night Elf Player #1: /insult

"Night Elf Player #1 thinks Tauren is the son of a motherless Ogre."
by Selfie June 17, 2006
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Emotions are a mental/psychological phenomenon that occur in most humans. Emotions seem to be found more often in isolated females than isolated males, and more often in females in general. Interestingly though, males who are exposed to females on a regular basis also exhibit symptoms of having emotions. Thus, it is theorized that emotions arise from the ovaries and are transmittable through prolonged interaction with a carrier.
"The emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love."
by Lethic February 8, 2006
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