When smack your dick on the top of your bitches head or ass
Bitch: hey nice to meet you im Jen
Guy: I'm gonna boner drum the shit out of you
by Jmaddfox March 18, 2016
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Having the threesome with two skinny chicks on a trampoline.
"Dude last night I ran a snare drum with Carrissa and lexi!"
by JustAnotherWhiteBoy October 13, 2020
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A thunder drum penis is a penis that has broken free of its bounds and reached realms of size unimaginable and seemingly impossible in the 3d plain. No man has a thunder drum penis, a penis of that raw aura is just too ridiculous.
mike - "you hear about the thunder drum penis?"

jibolba - "that's just a myth, dont go spreading lies."
by jibolba November 22, 2019
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When you use drumsticks to hit a girls body part
Thomas: Yo I just got a female drum machine in my house. It sounds so awesome and satisfying
John: what do you mean
Thomas: so if I hit her boobs with my drumstick it will make a squishy sound if I hit her in the ass it will make a bass drum sound if hit her in the the stomach it will make a snare drum sound.
John: damn I wish I had one
by Fireguy47 September 5, 2018
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A term used to define a barrel of keg, which at this point the keg remains as an alchoolic drink. Used in this way because of the form of the barrel, similar to a musical drum.
Man if you go look at that PUB's basement, you will se a really big Keg Drum. I could drank from it all night long.
by Norton2 February 5, 2007
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Bass boosted songs done using computer technology or loud subwoofers used while playing a song.
The dand ole 21 Savage producers overuse monkey drums.
by Portuguese clown December 30, 2019
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