That stage where a situationship (after a sexual encounter) leaves you stuck and your no longer sure of your own behavior. Trance-like behavior where you let your partner get away with or conduct themselves in a manner that you know is not right.
Rashon had been stuck in a dickmatization after sleeping with her friend.
by ComeCorrect November 14, 2015
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When the dick is so good you become utterly hypnotized by the guy that gave it to you
My friend Allen has stalkers. They've been dickmatized
by Memequeensupreme December 1, 2021
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When the dick is so good you start too catch feelings for the guy. When really your just catching feelings for the dick.
Becky: I really think I'm falling for this guy.

Me: He is not a good guy for you. You're just dickmatized.
by FreeFlow January 31, 2017
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When your brain tricks you into thinking this man is the most perfect person ever and you can’t see anything wrong with him, then causes you to get attached and gain feelings for him. Which leads you to do absolutely anything and everything just to keep him by your side.
He’s literally so perfect, i think I’m dickmatized
by alecsis July 11, 2020
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WHEN you have had a man sex you so good that you feel hypnotized from the dick itself, as you feel drunk, and dizzy . This feeling is only Aquired by a true dicksman
by KayKayDungan December 21, 2016
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When your behavior suddenly shifts from normal, sane or rational to batshit crazy once you get hit with some good dick....
Resulting charges range from criminal mischief to homicide..
He dickmatized her into not caring that he was a 37 year old “semi-pro” gamer owing back child support still living at home with his mommy.
by ROLEXX/ WHITE RAPPERZ August 14, 2019
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When a woman gets dick so good that she suffers a variety of symptoms ranging from letting things she normally wouldn't "slide" or him to get away with lies and other devious behavior. Extreme cases include believing his lies, giving him access to her home, car and cash, and making excuses for his obvious bad behavior.
Samantha ass was so dickmatized she let Chris drive her car AND have her whole tax return because he said he could "flip" it .
by Jaded88 February 12, 2018
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