its where ur stomach sticks out farther than ur dick do
jamees fat has has a dick do
by jshimmy January 24, 2006
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when a man is so fat, his belly hangs down further than his dick does.
look at that man. he has dick-do disease! his gut hangs down further than his dick does!
by da trick biatch May 10, 2006
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When a guy's stomach sticks out farther than his dick does.
Person 1: Josh, you should start working out to take care of that dick-do.
Person 2: What the hell is a dick-do?
Person 1: You's where your stomach sticks out farther than your dick do.
by Angela February 12, 2003
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when a guys stomach hangs lower than his dick do
the girl had trouble finding the cock because of his giant dick do
by balls to tha wall July 31, 2004
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A man who's gut sticks out further than his Dick-Do.
WHOA! Get a load of that guy's Dick-Do!
by Zamboni September 25, 2006
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When a man's belly sticks out farther than his dick do.
Pat remarked, he's a nice guy, but he has Dick Do Disease. His belly sticks out farther than his dick do.
by Catalinacat January 24, 2010
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A serious deformation of the stomach and penis of a man. it is when your stomach sticks out farther than your dick do.
"look at Joe, he has major dick-do disease, lol"
by s.r.c.m October 7, 2009
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