Verb.- To Delph- To masterbate while fantasizing about being gang.raped by a pod of DoIphin.
" Maury, I'm beginning to worry about Little Merv. I caught him delphing again, with my blown glass dolphin stuck in his bum!"
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An abbreviation for the city of Philadelphia. Generally used by those familiar with Philadelphia who find the abbreviation "Philly" to be tired and overused.
Girl: Sooo, what did you do this weekend?!

Dude: On Friday I spent a lovely evening in the 'delph, and then the rest of the weekend I attended a jeans-folding seminar in the 'burgh.

Girl: I'm majorly jeal!
by coco__chanel October 2, 2010
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To be extremely pumped after working out at the gym
MD; wow man i came home from the gym today and i was so pumped. i looked in the mirror and i had pecs.

MC; wow dude look at me. i am so delphed
by ax mc October 25, 2006
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A green substance, made from plant juice, which when applied to the skin gives a soothing tingly sensation.

It's also good for greasing engine parts - fishermen have been known to use it as lubricant for their hoists.
I smothered myself in Delph for a smoother finish to my skin

The fisherman coated his hoist in delph to stop the gears from seizing
by Peter Jones September 24, 2004
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Another word for 'dishes' used by Irish people. Plates, bowls, saucers, cups. But not cutlery.
Mam: Go put the delph in the sink, will ye?
Me: Ahh jaysus ma!
by theregattascene May 28, 2012
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A nickname for Arkadelphia, a small town in Clark County, Arkansas. It is best known for its two universities, Ouachita Baptist University and Henderson State University.
Ted: I hear Clark County just went wet.

Bob: Yep, I'm heading over to the delph to grab some booze.
by darthawesum March 3, 2011
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Delph, from the old English proverb, to be extremely loyal.
by Wilsond July 17, 2015
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