The killing of a good joke with a shit, unfunny input. Named after a friend bless him for his frequent deagling ways.

A short history of the deagle

The term was originally created as nickname. It soon became apparent that deagles forte was the ability to make the most hilarious joke, a cringe worthy moment. one night, when the lads were round, deagle lived up to his reputation time and time again. And so it became necessary to invent a term for these embarrassing moments. the term was used that night and it has stuck ever since. There have been some adaptations such as pointing the gun at a suspected deagler.
dude you were on a roll with those jokes, but then you had to fucking deagle.

in practise:
Tom: your mommas so old, when watchig jurassic park she mumbled, 'ahh the good old days'

Dave: your mommas so fat because she ate loads.....

Tom: erm............ deagle
by williamtheconquerer September 27, 2009
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A certain amount of weed that can be purchased for $10 (amount varies from place to place)
Yo lemme grab a deagle off of yu!
by Budda February 24, 2005
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you got pwned by my deagle!!
by x13i0x September 1, 2003
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Wow, that nublet just Deagled me in last stand.
by Col. Bat Guano February 16, 2008
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Person 1- Yo bro, nice desert eagle
Person 2- It's a DEAGLE
by BROthePRO April 3, 2019
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A firearm made by Magnum Research, it fire's .357MAGNUM, .44MAGNUM, and .50 Action express. The magizine capacity's go from 8 to 7. 7 being the .50AE.

Deagle is short for Desert Eagle.
They have a deagle is Cecil B Dememted.
by Thomas Splasky August 30, 2003
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A combination of Desert Eagle. All of you who don't know what a Desert Eagle is its a beast handgun.
by kris kole August 3, 2008
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