1. A party hosted by many women where only one man is invited (often times a hired stripper), with the sole purpose of ganging up on him and humiliating him sexually, generally without his knowledge or consent.
Chris attended his neighborhood cupcake party, and his fragile ego was systematically warped after hours of freaky dehumanizing sex.
by Jen April 26, 2005
One of the most filthy, disgusting videos out there. Two Girls nor Jar Squatter does not hold a candle to this, if you can find it. The video involves four guys, three girls, a glass table top and one cupcake.
by bosshaug29 April 4, 2011
A cupcake party is similar to going, egging, where a couple of people get in a car, and throw cupcakes at pedestrians. if it all goes well the frosting on top of the cupcake will stick to the victim.
colored frosting add to the fun, as they will stain the victim with a nice big colored spot.
originating in Bamberg, Germany
colored frosting add to the fun, as they will stain the victim with a nice big colored spot.
originating in Bamberg, Germany
by Kennman November 13, 2013
Having a cupcake party or bringing cupcakes is code for bringing ammunition and guns to a designated location with the intent of embarking on a massive shooting rampage with all those who are present.
David is bringing in cupcakes for his cupcake party at work today!
Oh shit! he brought cupcakes run!
Oh shit! he brought cupcakes run!
by Marcus Marvalo Larson February 26, 2009