Paris Hilton is a world class cuntlet.
by jammygoil March 19, 2007
Comparative, veal cutlet, young tender sweet meat, milk fed and not experienced in the ways of the barnyard....cuntlet, young tender pussy, likely illegal, not experienced in the ways of the other limits!
by hagar the horrible April 4, 2008
Slightly derogative term of endearment for a young attractive sexually active female, it is found within Aristophanes play; 'Wasps'
by Orinoco June 4, 2006
An ugly and stupid woman with a tiny and somewhat unreproductive cunt. See Paris Hilton as a good example.
by In nomines Satanas excelsior December 25, 2007
by Scouselahhh October 21, 2018
A man inserts his index and middle fingers into a girls vagina and his thumb into her anus forming a Meathook. The fingering individual then snaps their fingers, causing 50% of the thots on earth to die instantly.
by SkewTwo April 27, 2019
by Big Momma Lizz March 21, 2018