1. A white man with a shiny bald head.
2. A slaphead.
3. My former boss at Velindre.
Kev: Oi! CueBall! I’ve given up drinking booze and lost 50 lbs, now gis a better job.
Boss: Are you mental? I meant stop drinking that poncey bottled water and give me 50 quid.
by Huw_Jarce October 30, 2005
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Ya see that bald-headed white dude?

Ya, i saw that cueball
by Antonio November 17, 2002
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A white person, deriving from the cue ball on the billiards table, which is white.
Yo, look at dat fuckin cueball!
by marklar August 18, 2003
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A white skin head, who has a shiny head !
Terry is such a cueball, look at the shine on that thing !
by Jaws x May 11, 2011
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1) Plainly, a bald white man.
2) A skinhead (Neo-nazi).
3) An imbecile.
"Check out the chrome dome!"

"Laugh it up, cueball".
by a_romijn October 16, 2005
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I'm gonna kill that fucking cue ball!
by m September 8, 2004
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noun: when your balls get that sticky feeling from sitting and working in an office all day.
dude, i have a bad case of cueballs from sitting in front of that fucking computer all day.
by surferdude July 25, 2004
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