Somebody who panders to self-loathing agendas in order to achieve enough guilt to be accepted into hostile Liberal environments, specifically modern SJW communities that require a hatred of anything white and anything male to join
The definitions of this word seem to have been written by cucks

Carl the cuck hates white men. Carl the cuck is a white man.

"He called me a cuck. He is a white supremacist."
by BasedLibertarian April 20, 2017
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Probably the most overused buzzword in human history; used by idiots to describe anyone just smart enough not to agree with their contrived and frighteningly-ignorant points of view.
Person A: "I'm sorry, but that's objectively wrong. I mean, that's not at all how that works."
Person B: "Ha! What a cuck! Ha! Cuck! Cuck loser! Cuck cuck cuck!"
by Fionn Mac Cumhaill August 11, 2018
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A term, derived from “cuckoldry”, describing someone whose politics and beliefs are characterised by masochism and/or self-loathing.
David is a total cuck--he'd rather throw himself under a bus than risk offending his PC masters.
by wldsznn June 15, 2016
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A guy that allows his wife or girlfriend to have another lover usually male. He is sometimes forced to watch the sexual interaction as humiliation and he enjoys it. He will not stick up for himself because he's afraid of losing them.
Jenny's husband is such a cuck, she cheats on him with Xavier and he won't divorce her because of the children.
by Vladimir the Baked April 8, 2017
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A derogatory term typically used describe male, left-leaning young people who align themselves with political correctness, 'Bernie Sanders' brand socialism,' and their perception of social justice. A cuck holds identity politics and virtue signaling in higher regard than any desire for success, and they often have little to no pride in their identity or culture, as in their eyes doing so is to be a nationalist, white supremacist bigot. They are often outspoken, intolerant of views that they do not agree with and quick to charge anyone who may disagree with their worldview as racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. They are more likely to respond to race-bating rhetoric than reasoned debate.

It appears as if the majority of the other definitions here were written by cucks who are triggered by the term.

Conservative: I like Trump's stance on free trade and border security.
Cuck: How can you support someone as blatantly racist, misogynistic and homophobic as Trump?!?!? You are just a white supremacist and your opinions are therefore invalid.
Conservative: I like Trump's stance on free trade and border security.
Cuck: How can you support someone as blatantly racist, misogynistic and homophobic as Trump?!?!? You are just a white supremacist and your opinions are therefore invalid.

Conservative: Typical cuck response... Come back when you are not so bigoted and able to debate me with facts and actual opinions rather than empty charges of racism.
by MiloJR April 8, 2017
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A word that liberals use to describe a word conservative use to describe little cry baby snowflakes who have their heads in thier @ss.
The little cuck couldn't answer a question about which Trump policy they disagreed with.
by thepainfulturth1005 June 2, 2017
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someone who sits in the corner and masturbates while watching people have sex.
honestly that dude can't get a girl, so he's just a cuck.
by Sexslaves January 6, 2017
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