42 definitions by He's the boxman

The painful sensation of puting too much heat gel on your skin
Damn, this crossfire is caning. I think I put way too much heat gel on.
by He's the boxman September 27, 2006
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When you see a massive skank, you shout out "Skank, my ~O'Clock", depending where he/she is from you. And yes ~there are such things as a male skank.
My skank o'clock reads 3 o'clock
by He's the boxman September 26, 2006
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When you see a massive skank, you shout out "Skank, my ~O'Clock", depending where he/she is from you. And yes ~there are such things as a male skank.
My skank o'clock reads 3 o'clock
by He's the boxman September 26, 2006
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A vietnamese style martial arts, formed in Vietnam in the late 1960's.
Vovinam is a famous Vietnamese martial art was found by Grand master Nguyen Loc . According to a self revolution's tendency, Master Nguyen Loc brought the martial arts technique, self-esteem, discipline , and oriental philosophy together to form Vovinam. The principle of hard and soft were put together to become main fighting technique of Vovinam martial arts.
- Vovinam's activities are aimed at helping youth to build confidence, and self defense.
- Vovinam is a large family. Members love and respect to each other that would strengthen the Vovinam's discipline. The bonding of disciples raises Vovinam reputation.
- Vovinam members always participate and maintain the supporting for youth's health and knowledge.
- Vovinam is not a political or religious group but do not prevent any of the member doing their own politic or religion.
- Vovinam respects other martial arts.
by He's the boxman September 24, 2006
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Death music is what muzzers call punk/rock/emo music(good music) Muzzers will define death music as anything that is NOT techno or house music(the shit stuff)
Turn that death music down, uleh
by He's the boxman September 23, 2006
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What emos wished they bled after cutting their pussy wrists with their blunt knives.
I can so totally feel the black blood coarsing through my veins.
... i feel like tacos
by He's the boxman September 29, 2006
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