(adj.) to play an excruciatingly and annoyingly-accurate cover version of a song
They totally coldplayed that Van Halen tune "Running With the Devil", complete with perfectly executed David Lee Roth-style chest howls and scissor kicks.
by brushed December 13, 2010
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When a group of people sit around in the cold, and you play with yourself, and the first person to get an erection in the cold wins.
Chris Martin: Hey what should be the name of our band?

Guy Berryman: (Cupping his balls) I win!

Chris Martin: How about Coldplay?
by chrismartinloverBV1989 June 3, 2010
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A decent band but now over rated
''....and it was all yellow''
by Brendan October 6, 2003
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A good band with fresh music back in 2000-2002, but their music style hasnt changed and they havnt grown musically. Over-rated now by lots of clingy fans. They have plenty of talent and work well as a group. But Chris Martin (lead singer) has cocky tendancies and the new album is all the same songs, same tempos, same rhythems. Many bands will explore different genres and cultures of music. Coldplay are just stuck in a cycle these days. Talented, but Milky- White music these days
"Coldplay had some great hits, but now they need to freshen up their style"
by AdamPH September 16, 2005
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A fairly good band filled with a pretentious lead singer who named his daughter after a fruit.
"You know how I know you're gay... because you like Coldplay." - that guy from that movie about that other guy who didn't get any until he was 40.
by bad mutha stfu May 3, 2006
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Chilling the body temperature to impersonate a corpse for the purpose of lovemaking.
"I had the hooker sit on a bucket of ice, because I wanted her lady parts to be chilled, I'm into coldplay"
by Deadhophkr January 20, 2010
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Probably the greatest band in the world. Their music provides an escape from the crap "music" that we unfortunately have nowadays.
They are from the UK and they have made 4 studio albums so far, and they're releasing the 5th one this fall.

Their songs make you FEEL something. Their songs aren't about partying, hooking up, drugs, money, alcohol or any of the trash modern "artists" create nowadays. Their songs can be about anything, but they conceal their meanings behind the lyrics. It's your job to figure out what the meanings of the songs are.
The lead singer, Chris Martin, has a very soothing voice and he sounds just as amazing live as he does in the studio. That's REAL talent for you. Each band member is important and everyone contributes.

Give them a listen and you'll understand what I mean. They've been my favorite band for pretty much my entire life.
Me: I dive in at the deep end, you become my best friend. I wanna love you but I don't know if I can...

Guy: Wow, that sounds pretty good. Who is that?

Me: This is X&Y by Coldplay. You should give them a listen.
by Cubealo July 22, 2011
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