clusterfuck: cluster-fuck
this means that someone or something has not gone acording to plan and has fucked up
that bust was a complete clusterfuck
by euphoria2k15 April 5, 2015
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A situation that is unpreventable.
All your obnoxious family members came to your house, this was a real clusterfuck.
by j-money66 April 25, 2011
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The process of undoing or resolving a chaotic or disorganized situation in a calm and efficient manner. Essentially, it refers to the act of bringing order and clarity to a situation that was previously a complete mess.
by Cyrus Caffrey May 5, 2023
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1. A shit-show; chaos at the top of a sinking corporate or entertainment hierarchy.
2. A revolving door of incompetent bosses.

Coined and used by wrestling promoter Eric Bischoff.
"It was a clown car of clusterfuck at the top so I didn't need to know nor did I care."

With who they were bringing in, I knew it was gonna be a clown car of clusterfuck at my job.
by I mean, yeah March 2, 2020
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Similar to a regular clusterfuck, only 300% or so worse.
Tim's onstage performance was a Supreme Clusterfuck
by SystemShutDown March 4, 2018
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This salad is actually quite delicious. It is filled with lots of nuts and is topped with a white, creamy dressing. Hence the 'fuck' in clusterfuck.
"I'm feeling pretty randy tonight, honey. I think I'll order the clusterfuck salad."
by Section A December 17, 2013
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