
A sex act between two people that includes vaginal penetration by penis or strapon, and where each partner has one end of a double-ended dildo inserted into their anus, thus completing a "circuit."
This rather long giant purple dildo will be of tremendous assistance in our circuiting, my love!
by AllAshambles August 22, 2018
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The Circuit

A place in or near a town or city for teens and tweens to drive their cars, cruise for chicks or guys and to generally see and be seen on weekends.
When I was a kid in the 50's the chicks at the circuit went for guys in the fastest hotrods. In the 60's and 70's it was rods with the coolest paint jobs. Then in the 80's and 90's it was loudest stereos. Now its all about giant rims, crazy lighting schemes, bone-jarring hydaulics and rice burners. Things just ain't the same since Fonzi died.
by Tenacious Faulker May 26, 2009
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(n.) the circuit: the series of bars/clubs that people go to week after week. it's always the same people, doing the same thing, at a handful of common places

(v.) to circuit: to go out to the places on the circuit

(adj.) circuit: can be used to describe people and things on the circuit (see example)
1. See y'all out on the circuit.
2. Let's circuit tonight.
3. That circuit chick keeps catching my eye... must be the shiny top and all the fake bling on her jean pockets.
4. He's on the circuit but not of the circuit.
by drew90222 November 16, 2010
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The Circuit

dumpsters, police line ups, snuff film auditions, you know, the circuit
by MarcLopez September 14, 2005
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<adjective> Describes a party or Rave with abundant drug usage, dancing, and hooking up, especially a series of such underground gatherings which move from place to place.
"Stay away from that one. He's a circuit boy and is nothing but trouble."
by Kyle December 7, 2003
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the 'Circuit'

A recurring group of 20-something singles, brought together by the consumption of alcohol and the potential for sexual promiscuity or "picking up"; congregating in liquor licensed establishments on differing week nights—in a set rotation—predetermined by drink specials or popularity.

Typically occurring in small to medium size cities where a limited variety of bars or clubs exist, the ‘circuit’, refers to its analogous relationship held to that of sports, where athletes or teams abide by a schedule determining attendance at an event.

Friends of those on the circuit who are “lame, whipped, or gay” usually attend one to zero of the weekly rotation’s scheduled stops. When attending, they leave early for ‘gay’ responsibilities such as, employment requirements in the morning. Circuiters are concerned with hooking up, before any thought of sleep and subsequent AM responsibilities are entertained. Circuit stops cannot be substituted unlike activities on weekend nights.

•What are you doing tonight?: Hittin' the 'circuit'...Wednesday night is Emma's Pub night, obviously”.
•Wanna see a movie tonight?: No — sorry, it’s Joe Dog's on the circuit tonight”.

by PB1234 September 17, 2008
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Background: Lebanese Ghetto

Definition: A calculator (more commonly used for Graphing calculators)
Man i got this new casio circuit that can do matrices for me.
by tribalray March 12, 2005
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