The Shaytards on Youtube are a great example of a Chubby Chaser. Kaitilette would be viewed as the chubby chaser since she appears to weigh 100 or less pounds while her husband Shay Carl is 3 times that weight @ 300 pounds.
Girl 1: Mmmm that guy over there is as big as Shay Carl! I'm turned on!

Girl 2: You're such a chubby chaser!!
by BlueStreak24 May 3, 2010
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*cough* *cough* (Insert)jaelon dyson *cough* *cough*
Chubby chaser means anyone attracted to fat people(fucking christ why am i doing this)
by ablackpersonnamedjay June 9, 2020
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a guy who will put up with fucking a fat chick to get his rocks off or a loser chick who will fuck a fat guy for a date.
hey did you hear about robin. she was getting fucked up the ass by marshall. that bitch is such a chubby chaser.
she lets her ass get kovaced by just about anyone.
by phone fun January 19, 2006
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Known among guys as a slang for homosexual/gay men. Men that goes after a "chubby" (erect or semi-erect Penis).
Adam is definitely a chubby chaser. He's a closet case.
by Njam May 2, 2011
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The term used to describe the physical attraction to a beluga or Shamu.. Occurs most commonly in boys named Stephen.
Haven't you heard?, he's a chubby chaser now.
by cmmcgirl June 24, 2011
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A name given to those who find it hot have sex with morbidly obese people. It makes those people feel like theyre not strange for wanting to do so.

But in all honestly, yes ,you really are.
Guy 1: You see that hot piece of a** over there?
Guy 2: You mean the whale?
Guy 1: I cant help it if im a chubby chaser.

Guy 2: ....
Why am i friends with you...
by theguyphilip December 1, 2010
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- fornicating with a fat person after a night of irrationally exuberant drinking.
"Dude, i had 18 beers last night and then a chubby chaser."
by artvandelet November 9, 2005
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