A fag, but one of the nicest fags in the whole world. Has low self esteem but is an amazing friend.
I love your gay ass, Cheeseburger!
by Katiieeeeeee!! January 23, 2009
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a hamburger with CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or a fatty hehe

or a drug addict in jail smoking pot on a wiener dog with a muffin
by bob the bob like unicorns 1 April 19, 2010
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Meaning to block cock. Initials CB, same as Cock Blocker.
I was tryin to spit game last night but Jazzy was being a total Cheeseburger.
by Guera87 May 11, 2009
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Especially referring to someone you have a history of hooking up with when drunk, but who you usually reject or refrain from said hookup with when sober.

Origin: When sober, you may or may not want a cheeseburger, but when you're drunk, you can never turn it down.
Friend 1: Did Luke hook up with Lauren last night?

Friend 2: Of course he did, he was hammered.

Friend 1: Why? You know he always regrets it.

Friend 2: Dude, she's his cheeseburger.
by Crentist2010 April 8, 2009
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A fucking idiot. Basically making fun of some dumbass crackhead who has no idea your making fun of him or her. You can also use this at the end of every sentence and you'll notice no one ever picks up on it.
Some guetto crackhead asked me for money to get beer, I told him to go fuck himself cheeseburger.
by Patsman October 23, 2006
A double cheeseburger from McDonalds that is bought in large quantities because it's not only delicious but is also on the value meal
Anyone down for a cheeseburg run?" "Oh yeah, I've got a craving for the golden arches. I've got my ticket right here that'll get me into burgland
by Classic Humor Man February 9, 2011
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cheese·burg·er (cheez-bur-ger-ing)

Commonly used within the gaming community (in particular beat'em'ups) when two human competors are playing (not the computer, although come cases of computer cheeseburgering has occured)and one of the played uses the same move of combo over and over again. ultimatly winning the round.
1. Shooter, stop cheeseburgering that move, youre shit and this game

2. Dude cheeseburger the boss, you're almost beat!
by Redeck August 31, 2008
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