Starting the discussion about lunch plans with your coworkers, working to influence the destination and then dropping out at the last minute because you never intended to go.
The Chad: Let's hit up Benihanas for lunch today.
Coworker 1: Ah man, I don't have that kind of time or cash.
Coworker 2: Just ignore him, he's just chadding anyway.
by Endavi October 11, 2019
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A Chad, in modern internet slang, is generally a sexually active "alpha male". The term has become a slang term across the internet and among adolescents in general to refer to particularly attractive or confident males.
The man who wrote this meaning is a chad.
by keanugriffinchungus December 21, 2021
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The quality and state of Chad's virtues and attitude.
It's a state of enlightment only few can achieve in a lifetime.
"Arnold was the embodiement of chadness."
"Chadness is the quality of being bold, ballsy, Alpha."
by Ernest K. January 23, 2021
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A type of person who is a chatterbox, yet kind and sweet
by TheRandomWordMan November 18, 2022
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Chad should not be insecure. Chad is interesting and just (not) right the way he is.
Chad, everything thats not you is not you, you know.
Might as well grant yourself the You you feel at home in and stay there. Grant yourself comfort. That comfort will inform everybody who sees you that you know where the home lake is, the place where you brew your own cool stew, and that its legitimate and necessary to insist on eating of it.

(Im not saying im there but im constantly aware of it)
by Krkič October 11, 2019
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Chad is just an ordinary guy. He is kind, and has a good sense of humor. He respects mankind and gives people respect that DESERVE it. He will never hustle anyone and finds it hilarious when people try to hustle him. He is very straightforward. If he has a problem with you, you will know it. He has no problem with people being gay or a different race or anything different from what he is cuz he knows everyone is different and thats what makes the world go round. He is sometimes annoyed by how some people are raised tho. He will never "plant seeds" or any psychological crap in someones head for he thinks tricks like this are for kids. He speaks very plainly which sometimes can be bad for he is very straightforward, but you will always know where you stand with him. He is an old school romantic. He dose not like drama or people that are fake. He also despises people that lie a lot. He used to have a very bad temper and would black out sometimes but he has gotten that undercontrol and is feeling very centered these days. He grew up abusing drugs and alcohol but has given up drugs ( and dose not miss them at all) and the people who he used to use with, and drinks every once in a while but could really care if drinking was made illegal or dried up cuz the only time he drinks is because of boredom and to get outta the house for a night every couple months. Chad is a good friend to have cuz he will always have your back (if you're a true friend)
Hi I'm Chad
by Chaddie E November 23, 2021
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The most hottest and Sexy dude
Trustable and Strong
Durpul: Chad you're very cool
Chad: you too Durpul
by Americandude24 March 3, 2021
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