After he got belligerent, Stephan proceeded to carpet bomb until Ursula texted him back and something was set up.
by Andy & Colt May 6, 2008
John: man i really need to get laid tonight . Its been a month.
Paul: dont worry mate we will just carpet bomb the club it always works.
John: safe dude.
Paul: dont worry mate we will just carpet bomb the club it always works.
John: safe dude.
by discodan4321 November 30, 2009
The act of farting at random intervals down a hallway (such as a school or hotel) so that the origin of the smell is unknown.
by Ether December 29, 2005
to *completly* blanket an area with bombs(cluster, HE, dasiy cutter, nuclear, MOAB) destroying most everything underneath them. carpet bombing was practiced in vietnam, WWII and SHOULD be practiced in iraq
by bomber man 4.0 August 24, 2004
When a person grows a few marijuana plants preferably auto flowering and lets a male fully pollinate a female lets the seeds mature you should have close to 1000 to 2000 seeds and you go around throwing a bunch on peoples laws, vacant lots, bushes, near abandoned train tracks state parks any and every were you get the idea
i had a friend who's a dedicated 420 activist he talks of out growing the government so as a jolk he carpet bombed the bank with 80 of em
by spazingorilla May 29, 2009
When a docter doesn't know what's wrong with you so they give you a whole bunch of antibiotics and steriods, hoping they will kill whatever you have.
We don't know what wrong with you so we gonna do a carpet bomb. Here's a handful of colorful pills. It might make you better and make you worse than when you came in. Fingers crossed!
by Dr. No Care December 17, 2009
When a female repeatedly dips her "carpet" on a defeated opponent's face, generally as a sign of disrespect or dominance. Effectively a female version of the "teabag."
As with the "V Bag" this is mostly used in the gaming community by female players who have defeated a disrespectful or arrogant opponant. A way of putting gamer jerks in their place.
As with the "V Bag" this is mostly used in the gaming community by female players who have defeated a disrespectful or arrogant opponant. A way of putting gamer jerks in their place.
by the lordbaddkitty April 27, 2009