Captain Jack Sparrow: <I got a jar of dirt>
by hanni_sparrow14 March 16, 2022
Girl: "You see that guy with the snake tattoo? I totally shagged him last night!"
Guy:"Really?!? He rode me so hard last week I couldn't stand up for three days!!"
Girl: " I guess we are both apart of Captain Jack's Crew."
Guy:"Really?!? He rode me so hard last week I couldn't stand up for three days!!"
Girl: " I guess we are both apart of Captain Jack's Crew."
by death the fox August 31, 2011
A German eurodance duo from the 90s that consisted of Franky G, and Liza De Costa. They created music that was based on military training. (Crowd call-backing.)
They still continue to make music to this day, but they use modern EDM instead of classic Eurodance. They are not the same due to having numerous replacements, along with the main member, Franky G passing away in 2005 due to kidney failure.
They still continue to make music to this day, but they use modern EDM instead of classic Eurodance. They are not the same due to having numerous replacements, along with the main member, Franky G passing away in 2005 due to kidney failure.
Franky G; Hey-oo Captain Jack!
*crowd repeats.*
Franky G: Bring me back to the railroad track!
*crowd repeats.*
*crowd repeats.*
Franky G: Bring me back to the railroad track!
*crowd repeats.*
by Justicewithtacosandweed December 15, 2019
Much like "The Houddini", during intercourse the male should spit on her back to create the impression of him being "finished", then when she turns round he spunks in her eye. From this, he should then kick her like as to ensure that she is covering one eye whilst simultaneously hopping and yelling "aaargh", much like a pirate.
by Steve the Pirate 999 April 17, 2014
This is when a person introduces a conversational topic with others only to have a conversational pirate hijack the topic leaving the person marooned on a conversational island. Smoke signaled by, "What were we talking about?" "How did we get on this topic?" or "Oh..." if they even remember said person was talking.
Amy: I really love that song by...
Owen: I was in choir in College. I think we sang that song!
Blake: Bro, I didn't know you could sing? *sarcasm* Do you ever stop?
Owen: Did I tell you about my solo senior year? It was cray.
Amy was Captain Jacked.
Owen: I was in choir in College. I think we sang that song!
Blake: Bro, I didn't know you could sing? *sarcasm* Do you ever stop?
Owen: Did I tell you about my solo senior year? It was cray.
Amy was Captain Jacked.
by Lovsatellite July 19, 2018