Captain Jack Harkness

Someone so sexy, his own name is a pickup line.
*Walks into a bar and sits next to random woman*
Hey, Captain Jack Harkness
*Everybody in the bar has sex with him*
by LiftedStarfish March 5, 2017
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captain jack sparrow

The classiest pirate out there and the baddest bad ass you've ever come across. While being completely insane, he's got the looks, the charm and his own ship... not to mention dreads and gold teeth. What more could you possibly ask for??? Oh, a great personality? Yeah, he's got that too.

"But why is the rum gone?!"

by Captain Jack's September 2, 2006
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Captain Jack Sparrow

Former captain of the Black Pearl. Known for his resourcefulness and campy behavior.
You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.

Yeah, but why is the rum gone?
by ExAstris February 9, 2004
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Captain Jack Syndrome

When your inner compass points you towards booty, the thing you most desire.
Nick: Damn, what was up with Rob last night? Never seen him hunt a girl so hard.
Mike: Ah dude, she is the hottest girl in school! That booty gave him Captain Jack Syndrome.
by Hook Me Choob April 10, 2016
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Captain Jack Morgan

A specific version of the DP25, a Captain Jack Morgan is a drink consisting of a shot of Captain Morgan, a shot of Jack Daniels, and some Dr. Pepper. It combines the tasty palate of these three drinks to produce one of the most delicious drinks available, and gets you plenty crunk.
Last night they had Jack Daniels and C-Mo at the party, so I had some Captain Jack Morgans. Shit was SO cash.
by JimSteele March 25, 2008
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captain jack sparrow

A shot containing 1/3 captain Morgan 1/3 jack Daniels 1/3 parrot bay
Pour me a captain jack sparrow bartender
by Deepinyadave March 14, 2015
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Captain Jack discount

Loosely related to the "five finger discount".
When software, movies, music, etc. is acquired through piracy.
Captain Jack refers to Captain Jack Sparrow of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films.
The "Jack" part of the name is also a play on the word "jack" or "to steal".
"I saw that program on TV! Doesn't it cost hundreds of dollars?!"
"Not with my Captain Jack discount!"

"There's thousands of songs on your iPhone! You must have financed Steve Job's funeral yourself by buying these on iTunes!"
"iTunes? HELL no! I got these off the internet with my Captain Jack discount."
by BumBumBubblegum October 31, 2011
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