btch is just bitch with the i taken out. great use for those email, username sites that say no swearing.
<dude1>hey i looked for your email bitchsluvmeh1010 but i couldnt find it
<dude2>yeah that site wouldnt allow swearwords so i made it into btchsluvmeh1010 and its workin
<dude2>yeah that site wouldnt allow swearwords so i made it into btchsluvmeh1010 and its workin
by CorE469 <- gamertag May 14, 2006
"blonde tiny cunt hair", the smallest of three grades of measurement using, well, cunt hair. The red cunt hair, rch is a little bigger, and the black or brunette cunt hair bch is the largest of the three.
by plutoniumfeather August 18, 2007
Shorter form of bitch, commonly used as a censor or used on websites or apps where you can’t use cuss words
by rocksareyummy3333 November 30, 2024
Shorter form of bitch, commonly used as a censor or used on websites or apps where you can’t use cuss words
by rocksareyummy3333 November 30, 2024
a phase used to describe a person place or thing. usually used for any sort of law enforcement or big champ.
is a famous quote from the honorable Buford T. Justice
is a famous quote from the honorable Buford T. Justice
by cheesball47 June 27, 2024