Plural of brown eye, to moon, show your freckle, show your dot. Basically drop your pants and show your arse.
Also take care there are no dot sniffers in the area.
May require you to na na nukka nukka
Carefull when you chuck a brown eye to passing traffic, a cop may drive along!
by jamesbrown April 23, 2003
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guy 1: dude stop scratching your ass

guy 2: dude im sorry but its one of the deep ones directly on mi brown eye
by so0o easy January 17, 2009
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Kim Kardashians brown eye has reached a record width of 4 inches. Congratulations?
by onlymadethisforonedefinition January 24, 2017
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when a person poops in to someones eye and they go blind
by harry ballsonya April 8, 2005
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when u fart on someones pillow and its gives them pink eye
dude i gave my sister a brown eye... she had pink eye for 3 weeks lol
by robert1120 December 9, 2008
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The act of sending a picture message, email, or just mailing a polaroid of a large feces expulsion from your body to an unsuspecting friend or enemy. Usually these stool piles are unique in size, shape , or color. Not just your run of the mill dump.
"Look at the size of this turd! It's wider than a can of shaving cream and longer than a cue stick! Where's my camera phone? I'm Brown Eye-ing Tom!"
by Big Business October 18, 2007
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