
that grossed out feeling like you have slugs in your mouth
Bleech, I put WHAT in my mouth last night?
by Susan March 24, 2004
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To be insulted, dissed, owned or taken down in any way.
5 year-old boy: You're a slag!

15 year-old girl: :O

Random person: OMG u got bleeched by a 5 year-old!!!
by The Confuzzler?!?! :S March 29, 2009
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To disrupt (the confidence of, competitively).
You just got bleeched!
His forehead just got bleeched by that pole.
by Ingamar Dion Ramirez October 25, 2007
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Eddited version of the word "kill"; to kill someone.
I'm a bleech me a nigga!
by John Matt June 18, 2003
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i like a nice could cup of bleech in a desapointing day
by BIG BLACK CRAYON March 19, 2017
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Bleech Moment

When a faggot spams trap hentai only then to pin it as a joke in a poor attempt to hide his crippling hentai addiction.
I hate this sever
Did someone post hentai in general?
That's a bleech moment
by Gamercord November 8, 2020
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Drink Bleech

Jazz's way of telling someone to drink bleach. She stupid af. Lol
Jazz: Your so cancer tbh. I want you to drink bleech
Michal: Wow. You stupit.
by MisterFister21 April 17, 2017
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