"Bad Kid" Often used in online video games
Duncan just threw a rock at that car!
What a bk!
by stevedub August 30, 2007
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BK is used all over in the gamer world, refering to the phrase "Bad Kid." It pisses people off on Xbox Live and other systems when called a BK.
Synonyms: Noob, Unexperienced, Suck.
"LAWL! You should just snap your disk, BK."
"lolzzz wow i just raped jordan 1v1...what a BK."
by SH BLAZE January 15, 2008
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Common term used for a man or woman who is on their grind or are known to hustle on a regular basis. Finds its roots with a man named brownwest, known for his relentless hustle and underground dealings.
"This man is on that bK level sh*t."
"If you don't got a name, and you dont know what to say, dont mention bK."
"Moving that brick like bK"

by Hollowtipz February 15, 2007
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BUZZ KILL-some one who puts a damper on your good time
commonly used with the sound and hand gesture to disguise the name calling (bzzzzzz+ a clap of your hands: as if you were killing a bug)
jim your such a bk, why do you always have to ruin the fun?
by mellyx0 May 7, 2008
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A bad kid. One who lacks leetness. A noob.
Dominic put Nos on his Automatic 94 Civic with 300,000 miles, lol what a bk.
by xJacob December 15, 2006
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Short for "buzz kill". Things aren't going your way.
Guy 1 - That cop took my dank and said I could go home.
Guy 2 - You're lucky.
Guy 1 - Yeah, but it's a bk that I can't get baked before I watch the Passion of the Christ.
by Drew Carlson January 26, 2008
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An acronym for Bad Kid. This has no relation to being a BA or a BAMF. This is the person that gets on your nerves and you just hate.
Go to hell you're such a BK.
by 2Fresh4U January 8, 2008
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