1. Intended to proceed to first name of a comrade, this term sums up the worthlessness earned by an individual after expectations have been broken.
I can't believe that bitch Rob didn't wake me up to go offroading with him.
by deplemisher April 25, 2003
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sis-hey bro o broke ur ipod,sorry!
bro-U BITCH!!!!

teacher-go to the principles office now!!
u-as u walk out u wispher or think 'that bitch'......
princile- office-go to detention
u-u frekin bitch
by mz1995 August 17, 2008
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- Noun
1. A female Dog
2. Malicious, unpleasant, selfish woman
3. A complaint
4. Anything difficult or unpleasant
5. Something memorable, normally in a positive way
6. A servant who performs tasks, often degrading, for
another person, normally a woman (especially a Wife or
- Verb
7. To complain; Gripe
8. To Spoil (usually followed by up)
1. The Bitch had three puppies
2. That girl was a total bitch
3. No one paid any attention to his bitch
4. That test was a Bitch
5. John Through a Bitching party
6. He is such a bitch when it comes to her
7. He bitches about everything
8. He bitched up the project
by Jmac3111 June 16, 2009
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Can also be a short term name for a women

B= Beautiful

I= Individual

T= That

C= Causes

H= Hardons
Check out that bitch over there, she lookin' fine!
by lilwhitesexxigirl15 May 23, 2009
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a Dog.It BITEES sometims.Wide variety of dogs.A BITCH is a female dog,a dog is an animal.

Some people have anger problems.So if someone calls you a *bitch* you shud say this to them (see below)

"A bitch is a dog, a dog barks, bark is on trees, trees are nature, nature is beautiful <3
Thanks for the compliment.
Haha :)"

EXACTLY THAT = lolololol your welc0me :P
My bitch ran away

"That bitch bit my leg"

"I'm allergic to bitches"

"That boy dog needs a bitch"

"I rather a male dog than a bitch"

= enjoy xD
by Felix12345678 December 30, 2011
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A woman who would do anything for some dick.
Funny shit I got a bitch to drive all the way down from Utah to come meet me so that she can get some of my DNA.
by NEEDmeBitch!!! April 6, 2010
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