A deadly contagious syndrome that can cause particles, situated in ones testicles, to expand over the span of around 16 weeks, and eventually explode the shit out of their ballsack.
“guys… GUYS… DAVE HAS BIG SYNDRO-”*death*

Doctor: “Sir, I’m afraid you have been diagnosed with… big syndrome. I can approximate about 12 more weeks left for you to live. I suggest you move to a far, deserted island before it’s too late.”

“Yo guys, I’m gay”
by SoyMilk181 March 7, 2023
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The syndrome in which a respectable girl enrolls at a Big Ten university and subsequently becomes an absolute skeezer. This can include single girls, but is typically found in females who enter school with a boyfriend and promptly cheat on and lie to their boyfriends as a result of the Big 10 influence. Once the syndrome occurs it can never be reversed, and the girls become loose for life.
Chris:"Hey Mike, did you hear about Jim's girlfriend at Indiana University?"

Mike: "Yea, I heard that she hooked up with his friend the first week she got to school."

Chris: "Big Ten Syndrome strikes again!"
by Hate Me Some Big Ten June 27, 2009
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When a man with a big dick feels like that’s all he needs to offer resulting in weak ass foreplay
Girl...he had big dick syndrome....no foreplay just wanted to murder the pussy. Smh
by AllyGDMV October 5, 2020
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A very unfortunate medical condition. Some of the known side effects include having a giant penis an very big muscles. There is no cure for this disease.
WAAOW! Han där pizzagains har BIG BÄENIS SYNDROME!!


by eparagger123 March 16, 2021
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A type of psychological affliction that causes a person to only be able to over-shop at “Big Box” stores where anything under the Sun can be purchased which fuels the compulsive hoarding difficulties the person already struggles with.
I have a close relative who is suffering with Big Box Syndrome and it is a fine disorder indeed when another person has it and you are the lucky recipient of their generosity emanating from their pathetic and uncontrollable overspending!
by Dr Bunnygirl May 20, 2021
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Often abbreviated as BHS, Big Heart Syndrome is where a person has such a big heart that they tend to care too much about others and are usually quick to fall in love/suffer a broken heart. Those afflicted with BHS also try to "fix" people or "fix" others current situations.
I look at the situations some of my friends and family are in, and all I can do is cry. My Big Heart Syndrome is acting up.
by VanguardX274 November 29, 2015
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1. when someone with a small dick compensates by driving around in a large truck or a hummer or something
2. compensation for a lack of confidence with big talk, large wads of cash, trophy women
3. a dickless wonder
Stan: Check out my new big, red truck. Impressive, ain't it?
Bob: Whaddaya got big truck syndrome or sumfin'? Big truck, little penis ... ha!
by big kiss June 2, 2006
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