by Macey povey December 30, 2019
by TripleKMama October 31, 2017
by shutthefuckuppri February 27, 2021
Bestie. Best{ee}:
Term for Best Friend! One who is always by your side, who never ditches you, and who would take a bullet for you. This term is not to be mistaken for beastie which means something entirely different.
Term for Best Friend! One who is always by your side, who never ditches you, and who would take a bullet for you. This term is not to be mistaken for beastie which means something entirely different.
by B-tothe-J October 1, 2010
Your bestie is someone you talk to the most. Someone you can talk to. You hang out with them a lot. The one person who knows you better then you know you know yourself
by Haveswag10 December 27, 2016
A person who no matter what is the best thing that ever happened to you. Someone who you know will never turn their back on you. The most amazing person in the world! Has an understanding of your twisted humor, but knows when to be funny and when to be compassionate. All in all, if you found this friend hold on tight!
by best-ie February 27, 2012