by donna1824 December 3, 2007
by donna1824 December 3, 2007
in a moving vehicle: to closely follow someone in an aggressive manner in an attempt to pass them on the interstate or highway. Often times, the vehicle attempting to be passed is already exceeding the speed limit so the person doing the bertranding ends up looking like a dick
Girl I'm going 90 in a 65 and this car behind me is on my ass trying to pass me. She needs to stop her damn bertranding before I go off.
by laurelruf January 6, 2010
a dirty, half nigger who constantly bitches about seemingly unimportant things, nobody enjoys the company of, and smells like dirty asshole.
by Goldennn October 11, 2010
an extremely fat homo who can consume 2,000 pounds of bacon at once. he enjoys making videos attempting to look cool by dancing with his pants down.
should not play soccer without a shirt (this can save young girls lives since they will not need to see his sweaty fat rolls)
thinks he can someday have sex but is toooo fat to do so.
should not play soccer without a shirt (this can save young girls lives since they will not need to see his sweaty fat rolls)
thinks he can someday have sex but is toooo fat to do so.
OMG that kid is such a bertrand, did you notice how the ground shook when he played jump rope??!?!?!?!?!!?
by Shorty747 February 16, 2008
by Derpz May 4, 2015
A Hugle who is a Priest and Has a Pointy mohawk. He is Not nihilistic and He is Bagle. Hugle, Hangle, Fungle. His real name is JihCihb BihTrihnd but ppl Call his Jacob Bertrand for short. He’s Hawk in Cobra kai and He is kirby Buckets from kirby Buckets and Chip from icarly and Chip seg Tina.
by Hugle ism January 22, 2021