A feeling of

*wanting to work for
*play a role in
*get involved in
*vote for
*feeling a can win
*a general feeling of pro for candidate and there policies

After the election is long over.
Guy 1: Hey dude i got a belated bern for the bernie sanders campaign!

Guy: but the election was a year ago!
by Theamazinggeek March 13, 2018
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When 2 people that both have "Bern" in their names telepathically communicate with each other and accidentally plan to tease the crap out of you for something, especially when all 3 of you are very close friends. Usually works between Bernard , Bernie , Bernadette , etc
Dude my 2 closest friends are Bernard and Bernadette. Do you understand how much ****ing double Bern teaming I get abused by?
by crayrey June 18, 2020
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Put a player on blast with the knowledge that doing so will make him have his best game of the season.
“Wow, you really must be down on Hays to bern him at the stake today in the thread.”

Hays: *hits for the cycle*
by project141764 June 4, 2024
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Being well educated in Bernie Sanders and his intentions as president and being firmly planted in the idea of voting for him and him winning.
Ryan: bro are you feeling the bern?
Matt: I'm feeling it so hard, I'm an admin in his dank meme page!
by allons-ycompanion February 7, 2016
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A moment of weakness when you haven't been laid in a while, and your Tinder date turns out to be a liberal and she won't shut up about Bernie Sanders and income equality. Seconds after you nut inside her later that night, she goes into your wallet and takes whatever cash you have to pay for her student loans.
After not feeling the inside of a woman for more than a month, Ken swiped left all night until he found a willing sloot, now he's feelin' the Bern and can't afford a cup of coffee.
by DogFoodLids January 21, 2016
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A moment of weakness when you haven't been laid in a while, and your Tinder date turns out to be a liberal and she won't shut up about Bernie Sanders and income equality. Seconds after you nut inside her later that night, she goes into your wallet and takes whatever cash you have to pay for her student loans.
After not feeling the inside of a woman for more than a month, Ken swiped left until he found a willing sloot, now he's feelin' the Bern and can't afford a cup of coffee.
by DogFoodLids January 21, 2016
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noun. life of the Party; everyone’s favorite friend; his crew is likely to consist of other big dicks due to jealousy he tends to receive from so-called “men” with SDE (small dick energy); constantly surrounded by like-minded Alpha—goons ready the make food out of anyone foolish enough to disrespect him; his presence often breeds jealousy and insecurity; the nicest guy you know, but is likely to slay your hoe or sick his dogs on you
I got cuckholded once, but I get a pass because it was by a Berns.
by A User Has No Name November 23, 2021
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