a very nice place to have sexual intimacy with your sucnificant other.. or a whore. your choice
whore: oohhh bobbby i want you sooo bad!
bobby: in the backseat?!?
whore: hellzzz yess! lets get fun-kayyy then!
by jjaaaaahhhiiillliananan September 6, 2008
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Backseat is when something is horrible and sucky. This makes perfect sense because no one likes to sit in the backseat, and sometimes nasty things happen in backseats. This will catch on in the near future.
You're soooo backseat

Yo momma's backseat

Don't be a backseat person
by Bitsy-Boo December 19, 2009
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When a guy asks a girl to hang out and “for a drive” (usually at night) he is most likely trying to to backseat her. It goes something like this... he proceeds to park somewhere and starts kissing the girl. Then he asks the girl if she wants to go to the backseat so he can fuck her. This is backseating.
Person 1: “Jake asked me to drive around last night and ended up backseating me”
Person 2: “What did I tell you about going on drives with guys at night! They always try to backseat!!!”

Another example...

“I’m getting so horny and this tinder guy asked me to drive around, I’m soooo down to get backseated tonight!”

Another one...

“Fuck I asked this girl to go for a drive last night and she said no; I think she knows I’m going to backseat her yikes :/“
by Drops2357 August 23, 2020
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Ben Dover was doing the backseat boogie with lovers all summer.
by I, Wreckerrr November 17, 2016
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Like a backseat driver, a backseat gamer is a person who tells you what to do in a game that you're playing while you're playing it.
"No, shoot that guy! Not that one, that one! The other guy!"
by NINJA_CARROT July 11, 2009
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A backseat DUI occurres when a sober person is driving an intoxicated person home, and the intoxicated individual is giving the driver shitty directions, and false instructions to turn, and then saying "No, No, not this street..."
This causes the driver to speed up, slow down, and begin to turn, then swerve back into the driving lane, leading others observing the vehicle from the outside to believe that the driver is DUI.
"I was driving Marcus home the other night from the local water hole and he kept telling me to turn and shit and I was all over the place and then I got pulled over, but it was cool, the cop realized Marcus was just backseat DUI."
by Mike McLovin March 17, 2008
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