The act of coating the back of the toilet bowl with a loud, massive blast of diarrhea.
I shouldn't have eaten all of that fried food it really upset my stomach. I had a terrible assplosion, what a mess!
by BigDongWarLord August 22, 2008
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Def1. The sudden release of the contents from one's bowels where the toilet bowl has become mottled in texture and color.

Def2. A powerful surge from an infants colon pushing upward and passing the boundaries of the elastic bands. Usually a huge mess.
Usage of Def1 in a sentence:

I swear I had an assplosion in there after eating that Grand Slam breakfast and 3 cups of black coffee.

Usage of Def2 in a sentence:

My baby literally had an assplosion that wasn't contained in their pampers.
by Will1492 June 29, 2009
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Unfortunate occurrence in which your butt explodes with diarrhea from eating something that doesn't agree with you. It often interferes with your daily life. Usually followed by burning A-hole.

If such an occurrences happen during social activities the need to excuse yourself is not needed. Simply locate the nearest bathroom facility immediately. If Ass-plotions occur frequently during your day it is best to locate the nearest bathroom facility as soon as you are introduced to a new environment.
Traci ate a chicago style pizza at lunch and came back to work with an assplosion
by Aragedie July 15, 2011
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An explosive bowel movement, typically one that requires a shower immediately after.
Man, that 7 layer taco dip was spicy last night, there must have been hot peppers in there. I just might have an assplosion right about now!!
by Jenzci July 20, 2011
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When you have to take a shit so bad that as soon as your cheeks hit the seat it it sounds like a bomb went off.
Dude, as soon as I got into the bathroom some guy in the shitter had an Assplosion. I quickly washed my hands and got the fuck out of there.
by The real Satan's Helper July 13, 2015
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When a baby has a bowel movement that completely floods their diaper; as if their butt had exploded and all of the contents emptied into the diaper.
My newborn had an assplosion, there was crap everywhere.
by Gsomd1980 November 17, 2013
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Is a concentrated explosion or release of energy in an extreme manner where the trigger and origin of it is caused by a flatulence

Verb: Assplode
Example 1: Depicted as a action

Chaos: *Assplodes*
Vic: Ewww
Gopher: Your ass just blew up
Chaos: I know.. it feels sore now

Example 2:

Guy: and that guy had a assplosion.. you should have seen that.
Girl: I think that would turn out disgusting
by Chaosrider May 16, 2010
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