by Heiferkiller234 November 20, 2015
1. John had to say the pledge of allegiance in front of his class the other day. He farted when he got to ...and justice for all.
2. Three great songs from ...And Justice For All are Blackened, Harvester of Sorrow, and To Live is to Die.
2. Three great songs from ...And Justice For All are Blackened, Harvester of Sorrow, and To Live is to Die.
by 62Orion86 April 23, 2006
ONE of my favorite albums. kick ass.
ONE is my favorite MetallicA song.
ONE is my favorite MetallicA song.
imprisoning me
all that i see
absolute horror
i cannot live
i cannot die
trapped in my self
body my holding cell
has taken my sight
taken my speech
taken hearing
taken my arms
taken my legs
taken my soul
left me with a life in HEEEEELLLLLLL!!
imprisoning me
all that i see
absolute horror
i cannot live
i cannot die
trapped in my self
body my holding cell
has taken my sight
taken my speech
taken hearing
taken my arms
taken my legs
taken my soul
left me with a life in HEEEEELLLLLLL!!
by MetallilbangeR April 5, 2005
A very good kick ass album that is filled with great rhythm and solo sections. Many consider "One" to be one of the greatest works kirk hammett ever did with his guitar. Sit down, shut the fuck up, and LISTEN TO THIS GOD DAMNED ALBUM!
by Kenny October 14, 2004
One goddamned kick-ass album by Metallica. Everyone should own a copy...but oh well. One of Metallica's great succeses, with the single "One", Metallica's first music video...which kicked ass. Also filled with other major kick ass songs, specially title track "...And Justice For All" which is 9:44 long \,,/
by 'Manda'tallica November 25, 2003
The LAST good album by the once great Metallica. After that, the band started their slow descent into fagdom.
Man, ...And Justice For All ROCKED! But then the Black Album came out, Lars came out of the closet and sued napster, they kicked out Jason, and they all started doing Mariah Carrey covers.... Fags.
by Ole 1 Leg April 7, 2005
I pledge alligence to the flag of United States of America, and to the republic, of which it stands, one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all, but I copy and pasted this
by Hola Soy Dora I like Eddsworld November 30, 2021