On Allah is a phrase which is a way of saying that someone is telling the truth. Similar to another phrase such as "glory to Allah." Other common uses are "On my mom," "On my grandma," "On my grandpa," "On gang," etc...
Person 1: do you like silly cats
Person 2: on allah
by BritishEnglish December 13, 2022
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Wala allah is word used among a friend group it is used during a joke but has a strong meaning behind it meaning "not even god" Meaning not even god can get you out of what your in Also the word wala allah has been over used by girl named sandy it is known to be her favorite word
by bobby the destroyer November 23, 2021
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Its a joun word it means ur god is a god . People use it when they feel angry at someone
Rabak allah tima ! Serdtiya aa zaal
by Wled joun akhu maneyik August 15, 2017
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The ratfucker peso that spams c_ in discord servers that eats fucking bitches that he kills in his moms basement.
Islamic name with a picture of Jesus and a playstation as his pfp, racist against: everyone
fucking gross ass faggot that needs to die
"Have you heard of Muhammed Saad Allah Playstation?"
"No, STFU."
by jasper309329032908430924094 August 24, 2023
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It's a wish in Arabic for someone, basically means " Allah protect you". Mainly used in moslem communities, not so common tho.
Your family does charity?Such a wisdom, Allah Haffezkom .
by Ehsan2754 December 23, 2021
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