We already had OMG, LOL, and WTF, but 2014 brought about a new acronym that was popularized thanks to texting and online chatting. Abbreviating "as fuck" as AF has been happening for a while, but it was never actually spoken aloud as much as 2014. Some pronounce it "A Eff" and others simply "af."
by John abuzi September 26, 2015
by Damonnn84 February 16, 2017
by Huke_Lemmings November 8, 2015
Shorthand for "As Fuck." A slang term commonly used by people who are to lazy to write it in the proper manner. Usually found on social media.
by 0utat1me November 4, 2015
Typically used as an adverbial or adjectival acronym meaning, "as fuck", AF refers to a higher, more significant version of the verb. When you are "extra" tired, you are tired AF. Might also work with nouns, although grammatically might be disjointed.
by The Review Dude February 25, 2017