a rash caused by a meth addict that has picked at their body and has sores everywhere resembling chicken pox
by bellyboy65 September 25, 2012
by spakleboy December 3, 2013
by beast82nl May 20, 2022
a disease you can get from a panda that plays soccer and runs like a chicken, originates in oregon and does have a medicine but doesn’t work on canadians
by howta28 December 3, 2018
by nixleton December 15, 2022
Donkey pox is a rare disease that one contracts thorough anal to anal breathing IE- Sharing farts within rectums.
by Donkey pox August 7, 2022
My religious parents wouldn't let me get the HPV vaccine because they thought it would encourage premarital sex. Now I have a case of Jesus pox.
by dinger finger October 16, 2010