My roommate is a night owl and usually reads until 5:00 A.M. A few night owls stayed at the café all night long.
by pipisprettycool April 3, 2015
Most kids these days are night owls. They sleep at wee hours of the morning and get up late in the day.
by regal_aeros May 11, 2009
People who are assumed to be lazy and/or procrastinators. However, they are the masterminds of Earth.
My Supporting Reasons:
~ Peace and quiet to focus (everyone else is asleep).
~ For all my fellow antisocial homies, no human interactions for hours! WOO HOO!
~ No distractions (i.e. media notifications, sunshine, good weather, people, sounds, etc)
~ More time to enjoy the daytime. Doing hobbies, talking to people, and just acting like a normal human beings in general!
~ Not having someone constantly peeking over your shoulder (that is, if you live with people).
In conclusion, Night owls are frickin' geniuses and deserve more credit than they are given. FYI, I'm writing this definition @3:54 A.M.
My Supporting Reasons:
~ Peace and quiet to focus (everyone else is asleep).
~ For all my fellow antisocial homies, no human interactions for hours! WOO HOO!
~ No distractions (i.e. media notifications, sunshine, good weather, people, sounds, etc)
~ More time to enjoy the daytime. Doing hobbies, talking to people, and just acting like a normal human beings in general!
~ Not having someone constantly peeking over your shoulder (that is, if you live with people).
In conclusion, Night owls are frickin' geniuses and deserve more credit than they are given. FYI, I'm writing this definition @3:54 A.M.
Person A: You look tired.
Person B: I am.
Person A: What time did you sleep last night?
Person B: I didn't.
Person A: Damn... you're officially a night owl.
Person B: I am.
Person A: What time did you sleep last night?
Person B: I didn't.
Person A: Damn... you're officially a night owl.
by A_Credible_Source December 21, 2021
by Midnight Madness June 11, 2009
A person in your vacation group who spends the nights out and about. They party hard at night and sleep during the day.
Craig is oir night owl. He never wakes before happy hour and spends his nights clubbing or bar hopping.
by Theamazinggeek April 27, 2019
A meth user that stays on the pourch all night at a the meth house, watching everything, usually a paranoid tweaker.
by S. 22nd street October 18, 2006
A girl you sleep with that you don't want your friends to know about. Typically some easy girl you meet at a bar or party that is willing to sleep with you A.S.A.P.
by Joker5997 November 10, 2014